Aiymzhan Aiylchieva

Alina Akson
3 min readApr 10, 2021


Aiymzhan Aiylchieva. The photo was taken by Malika Kanatbek on July 11, 2020, in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan.

Aiymzhan Aiylchieva is a student at AUCA. At the age of 23, she is a well-known professional singer in her country.

Aiymzhan is from Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. In 2016 she won a talent contest with her singing performance. It allowed her to get a full scholarship at the AUCA. There, she studies in Liberal Arts and Science Department.

In Spring 2019 she was an exchange student at Kyung Hee University in Korea. She says it was the best semester of her life.

“I met so many students from all over the world. The time we spent together was amazing. I also improved my English and stopped being shy to speak it.”

Apart from studying and socializing, Aiymzhan dedicates herself to singing. Her career took off when she started participating in international music competitions such as “X-Factor” in Ukraine, “Slavianski Bazar in Vitebsk” in Belarus, and more in Russia and Kazakhstan.

“I started to sing when I was a child. I was always watching singers perform at concerts and I really wanted to do the same. When I went to my first competition it was so interesting to me, especially backstage. Soon enough I realized that’s what I wanted to do,” she says.

But not all music competitions and projects ended well for Aiymzhan. She says there was one project in Kazakhstan she regrets taking part in. There was a lot of stress and pressure put on her.

“They wanted to make a Kazakh version of a K-Pop show. I was 16–17. And I was the only foreigner on my team. Producers made me the leader of the group and the main vocalist. The girls, my team members, didn’t like it and we had a lot of misunderstandings… I had two years of depression after that project.”

Aiymzhan says she learns a lot from such experiences. She stays grateful for everything life has to offer. Aiymzhan also says she’s happy that she has everything she needs to satisfy her basic needs as well as extra wants, such as travelling and singing.

“My singing career is something I’m very grateful for and very proud of. It gives me many opportunities. For example, I’ve travelled to 17 countries already. Here, in my country, people recognize me in the streets. And when I was younger, I really wanted to achieve this. I wanted people to know about me and to listen to my songs.”

Aiymzhan says she gets many messages from people who thank her for her songs, especially sentimental ones. It makes her feel fulfilled and proud that she is doing something good for people by sending messages through her art.

“I always was thinking what I can do for people so when I die, they remember me. I guess, for now, it is my singing. And in future, it will be more of social projects. So, I want people to remember me by my actions and my art.”


Alina Akson is studying Business Administration and Integrated Marketing Communications at the American University in Bulgaria. She thinks interviewing is one of the best ways to collect information, verify facts and look at things from different perspectives.

